Monday, October 21, 2013


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! To read the short story by a writer, just click on their name and you'll go to their blog. Thank you for stopping by.
JEAN JOACHIM (Contemporary Romance)
Dale stared at her son. “I don’t know what romance novels you’ve been reading, but Cliff doesn’t love me. He loves his wife.”
 JILLIAN CHANTAL (Contemporary Romance)
Clasping her hands around her bare arms and wishing she had her
sweater, she called out, “Who’s there?”
LINDSAY DOWNS (Regency Romance)
“In that you’re correct m’ lord. Now that you’re here, with your permission I’d like to try him at a little higher fence,” she asked with a smile.
V. L. LOCEY (Paranormal Romance)
 Have you ever had an otherworldly entity pass through your body? It`s not pleasant.
TRISHA FAYE (Historical Fiction)
Dust swirled up around the old Chevy as it slid to a stop in the graveled turn out.
IRIS BLOBEL (Australian Sports Stars Romance)
And for crying out loud, she smiled at him. She was so close it would’ve only taken him a small move to touch her lips with his.
TRICIA ANDERSEN (Steampunk Romance)
“I want you to make me a contraption.”  
 “A contraption to do what?”  
 “Kill my husband.” 
SARAH CASS (Paranormal Romance) 
“Can you tell what’s ahead?” 
“I know our lives will be in danger.”
The ramp to the ship was dropped and Paul walked down its length. Seeing the horde of Norg standing there with guns pointed at him, unnerved him, his knees felt weak and he wished he had a rail to hold onto while descending the ramp. 
DAVEE JONES (Paranormal Thriller) 
Blue Ink Series, Book 2 - Jerky 
Holding onto the railing for support, Joelle’s stomach lurched. The macabre scene in the room below her tested the very limits of humanity.  

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