Monday, September 2, 2013


Welcome! Click on the writer's name to go to their blog. Don't forget to return and read more fabulous stories. Thank you for coming!
JEAN JOACHIM (Contemporary Romance)
"The Big Lie"
She wandered about the big house, feeling lost.
JILLIAN CHANTAL (20th Century Historical)
“Ahh. I get it. It was like constructing a building. Each meeting added a little more to the project?”
LINDSAY DOWNS (Regency Romance)
After clearing the immediate grounds of the manor, Jean headed for a trail which led to her destination. At the request from her mother, the Countess of Harford, she was going to check on several farmers' wives who were close to giving birth.
TRICIA ANDERSEN (Medieval Fantasy/Romance)
"So fare thee well, Sir Thatcher.  Return to the putrid little hovel you came from.  I will remain here in royalty with my one true love." 
V. L. LOCEY (M/M Mythological Romance) 
Days are spent with Orion, Kedalion, and Eurus at the lake, laughing and talking, wading and telling tales. 
SARAH CASS  (Contemporary Romance)
It was the last, and only, thing he remembered about his parents. He could still hear his mom teasing his dad about the “no go” car. 
CATHERINE GREENFEDER (Contemporary Western Romance)
"Any Cowboy Won't Do"
“Okay, I guess you gotta do it.” She paused a moment as an idea sprang to mind.  The buildings and loan association could do without her for a short time. 
MORGAN K. WYATT (Contemporary Romance)
"The Inheritance"
Her eyes flared with awareness when he turned. No mistaking it, and yet her interest cooled suddenly, which made no sense. 
The fat, fluffy pillow is the perfect accent for my writing room. 'Careful, Or You'll End Up in My Novel!' 
KAREN CINO (Contemporary Romance)
Boxes sat in the middle of the vacant room on the newly refinished hardwood floors.  The decision to pick up and move had been evident for the past few months. 
Paul, gritted his teeth, he couldn't afford to succumb to any weakness. Stan had always been there for him and he needed to save Stan. 
SHERRY GLOAG (Contemporary Romance)
“Does this mean you have agreed to my terms?” 
IRIS BLOBEL (Sports Romance) 
“My uncle has not said a word about you. You’re giving yourself too much credit.”
“Why the hostility? I saw it before, you can be nice.” 
KATHLEEN BALL (Contemporary Romance)
First he told her he loved her and then he went to bed without her. That man was a puzzle she didn’t have the patience to solve. 

DAVEE JONES (Erotic Romance)
"Sexy Bea Spelling"
"Bea stretched out under the covers. The ceiling fan whirled rapidly with white noise comforting and monotonous." 

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